
Total : 91
번호 제목 첨부파일 날짜 조회
91 2023 Molecules and Cells) Circular RNAs in and out of Cells: Therapeutic Usages of Circular RNAs (한진주 교수님) 2024.05.29 8
90 2023 Nature) Widespread somatic L1 retrotransposition in normal colorectal epithelium (한진주 교수님) 2024.05.29 12
89 2023 Experimental & Molecular Medicine) Where should siRNAs go: applicable organs for siRNA drugs (한진주 교수님) 2024.05.29 2
88 2023 Advanced Science) APP-C31: An Intracellular Promoter of Both Metal-Free and Metal-Bound Amyloid-β40 Aggregation and Toxicity in Alzheimer's Disease (한진주 교수님) 2024.05.29 7
87 2023 Annals of neurology) Ultra-Low Level Somatic Mutations and Structural Variations in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type II (이정호 교수님) 2024.05.29 2
86 2023 Cells) Cryobiopsy: A Breakthrough Strategy for Clinical Utilization of Lung Cancer Organoids. (박종은 교수님) 2024.05.29 1
85 2023 Clinical Immunology) AXL+ SIGLEC6+ dendritic cells in cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissues of patients with autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of CNS. (박종은 교수님) 2024.05.29 0
84 2023 Nature Biotechnology) Single-cell mapping of combinatorial target antigens for CAR switches using logic gates. (박종은 교수님) 2024.05.29 2
83 2023 Nature Communications) YTHDF2 facilitates aggresome formation via UPF1 in an m6A-independent manner (조원기 교수님) 2024.05.29 3
82 2023 Neuroscience Research) Astrocytes regulate neuronal network activity by mediating synapse remodeling. (정원석 교수님) 2024.05.29 2
